Organizing Me in 2013

To Do List

I learned a few years ago not to make New Year’s resolutions because, frankly, I just don’t stick with them. I find that is true with a lot of things, unless I want to change something (anything) I don’t follow through.

Next month, I will be celebrating my 1 year Blogoversary. I am super-excited about the fact that I’ve been doing this for a year, more so the last 6 months because that’s when I got serious and started working with a small group of bloggers. Personally, I’ve become more organized over the course of the last year, but I want to do more. I’m ready to get serious. I have a desk calendar that has helped me tremendously. I write my monthly, weekly, and daily to-do lists in there. Anything that is important, gets written down.

For me 2013 is about organizing the blog, my life, my finances and getting back to saving tons of money by couponing. I know that sounds like a huge task, but these are all things I’ve done before and just need a nudge to get back on track.

Where do I start?

Blog – I will continue to keep my blog calendar (desk calendar) up to date, but I’m looking at buying a blogging calendar that has all the extras.

Finances – I had a finances notebook last year that worked wonderfully, but couldn’t find one this year so I bought a 3-ring binder and divider folders yesterday. I printed some free online printables this morning for budgets, spending worksheets and bill trackers. Together those will become my 2013 Finance Binder.

Life – I know I’ve PINNED some organizational ideas on Pinterest, I just need to take a look at which ones will work with my life.

Coupons – About 15 years ago, I used a photo album (with the sticky pages) to create my own coupon binder. Then I used the Coupon Clutch, which worked great for me. Recently, I won a Couponizer and I’m going to try that out and see how it works for me. In between, I’ve used envelopes and the shoving coupons in my purse method. Neither one really did a good job, so I’ll stick with the binders or Couponizer. I’ll let you know once I’ve tried it.

In writing this post, I’m holding myself accountable for becoming more organized in 2013. Who’s doing this with me?

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  1. Stopping bu from Comment Starter. I also have to have a kick in the kister to get back on track, this is something that always bugs me and every year I have to start gain, to keep folded clothes off my dryer. I dont know why, but I guess I get busy, but I have to keep working on it. Then theres that blog calendar boy is that and easy one to get away from, I get side tracked easy. So with that said, all we cna do is try. Happy Valentines!!